Top 5 Country Properties from 2021

Top 5 from 2021

top 5 country homes posts of 2021 - this is number 6 though!
This finished, just outside of the top 5 country properties of 2021!

Those who follow my social media, you know that I post photos of beautiful British Properties on a daily basis...

link to a country agent social media page

Over the course of 2021, the page had over 100,000 new page impressions and the number of followers trebled.

Often, people made the mistake of assuming that I was selling these beautiful properties and if this was the case, would have retired early(ish) and moved to the Caribbean long ago! 

Our followers are based all over the world; from the UK to the US, Thailand to South Africa, Brazil to Indonesia but you all have one thing in common, a shared love of beautiful British Properties.

Below is the countdown of the top 5 most liked properties from 2021...


Posted back in September when the weather was turning, along with the colour of the leaves, is this charming cottage which was shot by LUNDONLENS  A stunning photo and I hope you visit his page to appreciate his other photos.

This post reach 82,000 with 22.6k likes...

a stunning autumnal british cottage


I posted this beautiful home in August 2021 and it reached nearly 95,000 people having earned 25.2k likes!

As you'll agree, it's unusual but it's beautiful!

Number four, a stunning country cottage


This is as stunning a property as it is a photograph.  The colours in the garden only serve to lift this photo to almost ethereal appearance.

With 26k likes, this post had a reach which meant that over 102,000 people on Facebook got to enjoy this beautiful picture!

number three, a beautiful country home


We're not sure where this house is; there are a number of claims with one suggestion that it might not actually be in the UK but somewhere over the English Channel in Europe!  

Whatever the case it is clear that this is a very beautiful home and when it was posted on the A Country Agent Facebook page in December over 31,000 people agreed, liking the post and sharing it nearly 3,000 times.  The post was seen by over 101,600 people!

Number two, a quite stunning thatched cottage


Well, here it is, our top country property of 2021. Posted back in August, this gorgeous cottage in Cambridgeshire attracted a huge amount of attention and I was delighted that the thatcher himself even commented having re-thatched the property some 5 years ago but even more interestingly his father did the last thatch on it back in the 1980s!

Comments from those who enjoyed the post obsessed over the fact that the property looked like a bird, an owl even. What I do know, though, is that it attracted 31,500 likes, shared over 3,000 times and reached a whopping 182,000 Facebook accounts!

the most popular property of 2021 is this stunning thatched cottage

Follow my Facebook page (link below) for more of the same.  I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy sharing them!



A stunning country home, with photos and a jaw dropping video.  CLICK HERE


Described by Sir Nikolas Pevsner as "the most refined and most sophisticated timber framed mansion in England."


If you like properties such as the above, please follow my Facebook page, A Country Agent by clicking on the image below...

Did you know I also have a "sister" blog?  Click on the logo below to be taken straight to a whole host of beautiful properties!


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